As my extended family makes holiday plans I’m reminded of how it can be such a frantic time of year. There are a lot of extra things that bring us both stress and joy in this coming season. In many ways it is a great antidote to how very dark it is becoming. On the other hand, the way we become busy this time of year can feel out of synch with the natural rhythms around us.

What if this was a restful and restorative season? What if this was when we caught up with our thoughts, our sleep, and our dreams? What if as Clark Strand writes in Waking Up to the Dark “Hidden in the darkness is an ancient secret suppressed by every aspect of our light-drunk modern world—there is a Great Mother from the bottom of time who has always guided us through perils and calamities.”

I invite you to make space for holy darkness this winter. I have curated a line-up of programs to support this journey:

Dancing into the Dark Mysteries – October 29

Connect with ancestors and myths to guide you into the realm of inner treasure.

Winter Rest – Thursdays, November – January

Take an hour a week to rest in the dark, supported by a 10 minute guided meditation on Zoom.

Full Moon Night Forest Therapy – December 4

Enliven all your senses and connect with the night. Guided by Johanna Schussler.

Winter Solstice Celebration – Thursday, December 22

Ready your heart to welcome the return of light with the calm and joy that comes from music and dance.

Candlemas Celebration – Thursday February 2, 2023 Welcome the strengthening light in a hybrid event that concludes the Winter Rest Zoom practice and continues with a dance celebration.

During the time of Winter Rest the Wisdom Dances Circle meets every other weekend.

As the Winter Rest practice has evolved, the darkest three months of the year have become more and more restorative for me. My goal is to be home for dinner and for the night almost every night. If I am doing something in the evening, it will be about being with the dark (and there are many winter luminary events in Minnesota!).

How about you? Are you clenching in anticipation of the hectic and dark season? Creating something different is possible. I believe creating space for the dark it is one of the most potent, transformative things we can do.

All my love,


Registration is Open!

The early bird registration deadline for the Dancing into the Dark Mysteries is Saturday, October 15. Registration for the other listed events is also open!

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