Spring Forest Qigong Level Three Training

Advanced Qigong Training to unite the Shen and the physical body as one, with Advanced Qigong Principles, Healing Principles, Qi Development, and Healing Techniques. 


  • Understand the Teaching of Tao of how the universe and life are created.
  • Develop Shen and Tian Mu to be a powerful healer.
  • Understand the Oneness and Information Dimensions.
  • Advanced Qi Development with Xiu Lian.
  • Learn the difference in Qigong fasting and concentional fasting.
  • How to advance Qi Development using Qigong Fasting.
  • How to absorb the essence of the universe.
  • Learn Qigong Movements specifically for developing Shen and Tian Mu.
  • Learn Sun and Moon Medidtations as Advanced Internal Refinement Techniques.
  • Learn the Progression of Qi Blockage.
  • Learn how to elevate Vibrational Field.
  • Learn Remote Healing includes long distance blockage detection and healing.
  • Training for how to use Tian Mu.
  • Learn how to charge energy to water for healing.

Upcoming Training

Friday, August 2, 2024, 7:00 PM – Sunday, August 4, Noon.
Onsite option at St. John’s Abbey Guest House in Collegeville, MN
Arrange your own affordable on-site lodging separately
Shuttle from airport available.

Led by Spring Forest Qigong Master Jerry Wellik and Certified Instructor Emily Jarrett Hughes.

Community Inclusion

Wisdom Dances is on an intentional journey of moving towards more equity and inclusion in every dimension of our work.

Our qigong vision is for a healer in every home and a world without pain and suffering. We are committed to reducing obstacles for participation from low income and/or systemically and/or historically marginalized folx so that we can empower healers in EVERY home. That is why we offer scholarships for Spring Forest Qigong Trainings.

Use Coupon code WELCOME to attend at 50% off.

To learn more about the Community Scholarship click here.

About Master Jerry Wellik

Spring Forest Qigong Master

Qigong Master Jerry Wellik has been practicing Spring Forest Qigong (SFQ) since 2000. He taught in the Special Education Department at St. Cloud State University (SCSU) for forty years and is currently Professor Emeritus of Education at SCSU. He leads or co-leads several SFQ Practice Groups in the St. Cloud area and is now teaching SFQ in conjunction with the Confucius Institute at SCSU.

Jerry has completed all five levels of SFQ and is Certified Instructor of SFQ Level 1, Level 2, and Level 3. He was awarded Qigong Master in 2015 by Grand Master Chunyi Lin. He is a frequent presenter at conferences and a variety of educational and community venues, joyfully sharing his love and wisdom that has been so central in his life since beginning to learn and practice SFQ.

About Emily Jarrett Hughes

Certified Spring Forest Qigong Instructor and Healer

Emily with long brown hair and an old world blue floral scarf in front of drift wood.

My name is Emily Jarrett Hughes and I am a healer, teacher, dancer, and mother living in Minneapolis. The vitality and joy I find in Spring Forest Qigong were a lifeline through a major health crisis and are the inspiration for my teaching and healing practice. I have studied Spring Forest Qigong since 2006, completing Level 5, and am a Certified Instructor and Healer. I lead a weekly drop-in qigong practice group as well as a monthly advanced practice group at the new moon. I also teach dance as a tool for healing and transformation. Everything that I do leans into the interrelationship between healing ourselves, healing the water, and healing the world. I have taught hundreds of classes and helped hundreds of people with healing. I love seeing my students and clients strengthen their connection with body, mind and spirit and unlock their capacity to live vibrant, courageous lives. Follow my blog at wisdomdances.com.