You too can move your spirit from feeling frozen and drained into creativity, joy, and freedom. There are many places to begin, and opportunities for deepening within all of them. I lead groups and work one-on-one, all based in Spring Forest Qigong. Enter through the doorway that feels the most comfortable to you.
Not sure where to start? Let’s have a quick 15 minute conversation to help you figure out your next step. Schedule now.

Spring Forest Qigong Level One Training
Qigong means “working with Qi”(commonly known as energy). It is a science of using the breath, body, mind, and sound to Achieve and Maintain Perfect Health.
Its deep roots set it apart. Spring Forest Qigong Level One “Qi Activation” is not your standard Qigong practice class. Rather, it is comprehensive training fully encompassing the ancient science of Qigong. This training grounds you firmly in that tradition while helping you understand the mystery and secrets of Qigong Healing.

One-on-one healing sessions
My healing sessions can help heal aches, pains, illness, or emotions that you would like to change. I invite you to be willing to be surprised by how much healing is possible.
Healing sessions use the power of unconditional love in a way that is gentle, non-judgmental, and joyful.
I have completed Level 5 of Spring Forest Qigong and am a Certified Healer and Certified Trainer.

Qigong Practice Group: Healing Waters Qigong
Healing By the Water, For the Water, and Through the Water
Meditation and healing movements every Wednesday by Lake Hiawatha, Minneapolis
Each of us is on a healing journey towards deeper connection with unconditional healing love energy. Whether you are healing an illnesses, navigating a life change, or wanting to build your longevity – each of these challenges can be seen as an opportunity to open our hearts more deeply.
Spring Forest Qigong Level Two Training: Qigong for Healers
Awaken the healer within! A well-trained and developed Qigong Healer is able to move others’ Qi, influence their Qi Field, and inspire them to take action to achieve their optimal health. As a qigong healer you will also learn important Qi cultivation techniques.

Spring Forest Qigong Level Three Training: Become a Powerful Healer
Develop your power as a healer by developing your connection to your soul and to the Universe. This advanced Qigong training offers advanced qigong principles and healing techniques.