We are fast approaching the longest night of the year. This year I am offering FOUR different opportunities to bless the New Year with others. The first event will be the Winter Solstice Celebration this Thursday. More details about all four happening at the bottom of this post.
With the turning of the year, I enjoy reading what astrologers see emerging in the coming year. What will the year of the white metal rat mean? On one level these forecasts for the year pull me in because I long for good news. On a deeper level, I think I read these forecasts because part of me still wonders “how will I know what to do in the coming year?â€
Solstice and New Years is a time when we see ourselves so clearly standing on the precipice of the future. Looking back on the past year is sobering and the level of uncertainty in our world is almost existentially unbearable. New Years resolutions aren’t my thing. But every year I do draw oracle cards at the solstice. To me they represent my willingness to be guided and helped in the year. It seems like the best I can hope for is trusting that I will be supported and will have help figuring out what to do .
To be honest, this sort of trust in guidance is not an easily learned skill for me. In hindsight I find it easier to see that I’ve received enormous support to help me find my way.
Here are three questions that help me see more clearly that I’ve been receiving support all along.
What gifts have you received this year? This question can include material gifts, but intangible gifts are also significant. It could be a shoveled sidewalk (thanks Bob!), dinner at a friend’s house, or the feeling of being deeply witnessed by a friend. The key here is to think of things you did not go out into the world to take or make happen. They were given and offered to you. Take a moment to fully receive and be grateful for these gifts. Appreciate this flow of support towards you.
How have you been given the support of a course correction? This summer when I got lost in Winnipeg I was so grateful that we could find our destination through GPS navigation. When I am not literally traveling, it’s a lot harder for me to know if I am on track and recognize course corrections. They often look like obstacles that stop us from going forward. I didn’t receive a grant I applied for in July. But I see that the revision process I went through to re-submit the proposal significantly improved how I talk about my work. Looking back at your past year, can you see any ways that obstacles gave you a course correction?
What sort of challenges have you faced and what have they required of you? Hitting glass ceilings doesn’t mean that we aren’t supposed to strive to break them. But they may me directing you to taking a different course towards your goal. Its hard to approach any problem differently without changing how we think about it. How have you found yourself pushed to discover more inner compassion, fierceness, clarity, or sleep in order to transform whatever is challenging you?
When I look back at the year through the lens of these three questions I feel so grateful for all the help I’ve received – even from seeming obstacles. It makes it easier for me to trust that I will also be supported in the coming year.
I am confident that you will receive many gifts in the New Year. You will be guided along your path and given course corrections. You will discover untapped inner resources to rise to the joys, challenges, and opportunities of the coming year.
May it be so!
With big love,
Winter Solstice Celebration – Thursday December 19
Ready your heart to welcome the return of light with the calm and joy that comes from music and dance. Learn more.
Two special New Years Blessing qigong practice groups
Coinciding with the beginning and ending of a free seven day global New Years Blessing led by Spring Forest Qigong, Healing Waters Qigong will meet for two special practice groups and then tune into the global meditation. Sunday January 5, 6-7:30 p.m., at Lake Hiawatha Park and Friday January 10, 6-7:30 p.m. at Lake Nokomis Community Center. Suggested donation for practice group is $5-10 preceding free global call is.
Winter Water Blessing – Thursday January 16
Bless the New Year by blessing the water that is the source of all life. Music and dance by the river. FREE. Learn more.