dancer-at-sunsetTomorrow is the Autumn Equinox. I think of it as a threshold bringing us into the more inward, restful, and reflective time of year. While my Minnesota garden still has some oomph left in it, things are most definitely winding down. It’s a time for harvesting, not planting.

We all go through cycles of rest and regeneration. With the equinox we are all going through a cycle together with the earth, with the squirrels so busily storing their acorns, and with each other.

I’ll admit that sometimes I approach resting with my book as one more thing to do. In order for it to really be rest, I also must let something go.

Trees can rest because they have dropped their leaves. Chickens live longer lives if they are allowed to rest from laying eggs in the winter (by not tricking their bodies with electric lights). Humans are healthier if they take a little rest in the middle of the day.

The autumn equinox is the perfect time to commit to letting something go so you can rest more. It could be letting go of something that you do. Or it could be letting go of a fear or worry that also doesn’t let you rest.

I’d be curious to hear what you decide and how it works for you.

With love,



Celebrate the autumn equinox with dance ritual Thursday night. Thursday is also begins the fall session of weekly drop-in dance classes.

Want help developing a meditative practice for the winter? Join the Healing Waters Qigong Practice Group.

Need help with the change of seasons and finding balance in your life? I offer one-on-one energy healing sessions.