Here are resources to guide and support your experience in Level One Qi Activation. Click on a title to download.

Course Handouts

The Five Elements Organ Systems

Five Elements of Emotional Flow

Small Universe Handout

Spring Forest Qigong Mandala

Master Mind Study Group Guide

Spring Forest Qigong Level 1 Qi Activation Master Mind Study Group

Resources for your own Qigong Practice

When NOT to Practice

Pregnancy Precautions

Active Exercises Review Sheet

Spring Forest Qigong Everyday and How to Find a Practice Group

Soothing Exercises

A review of the full set of soothing exercises to practice as able at the end of qigong practice. The best way to learn is through muscle memory!

Qi Breathing Meditation

Build your comfort with qi breathing through this guided video. With practice you can incorporate this breath into all of your practice and even daily life. It only gets deeper and deeper!

Neck Dolphining Meditation

Dolphining the neck for about 15 minutes a day can made a tremendous difference in opening up your energy channels. Let’s get started!

Sword Fingers Technique

This video featuring Master Chunyi Lin is a review of the Sword Fingers healing technique. Try it out on your friends, family, pets or yourself.

Questions about the resources? Reach out!