FLOW Northside Arts Crawl, Saturday, July 26, 2014, 5:00 – 7:00 PM – FREE!
Northside Acheivement Zone Stage, 2101 W Broadway Ave, Minneapolis (Next to Olympic Cafe)
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What does water have to say to you?
What do you have to say to water?
People around the world have answered these questions with their song and dance.
Get With The FLOW showcases performances about water by a variety of culturally-based music and dance groups. Listen to and address water yourself through a participatory community art project. Linger on Broadway and soak up the vibrant scene of FLOW Northside Arts Crawl and Carifest.
Performers featured in the event include Living Wisdom, Titambe West African Dance Ensemble, Little Thunderbirds, Lau Hawaiian Collective, Mick LaBiola and Louis Alemayehu from Ancestor Energy, Todd Harper, and more to be announced.
This event celebrates the culmination of the Culture of Water Leadership Summit organized by Wisdom Dances with support from FLOW Northside Arts Crawl, the Capitol Region Watershed District and the voters of Minnesota through a grant from the Metropolitan Regional Arts Council, thanks to a legislative appropriation from the Arts and Cultural Heritage Fund.