Holy sewing project! I’m emerging from the largest sewing project I’ve yet tackled in my life. Whew! Now I’ve got three sets of skirts, aprons, ornate headdresses, sashes, and blouses (a preview of them in the picture). All my life kind of went on hold there for a moment while I thought about costume construction, pom poms, beaded trim and my looming deadline.


I find myself staying up late so I can add that third row of sequins. The urgency I feel with my sewing isn’t just about being ready to share BEE LOVE this Saturday. I’m driven to create a costume that reflects the radiant life energy I experience while dancing. I want these costumes to strengthen my embodiment of vitality for our community.

I’ve spent many years thirsting for a sustaining connection to source, as though I could sense it on the other side of the wall but kept on forgetting where the door was. The openings that I’ve found are embodied spiritual practices: qigong and dance. And this week, costumes. Decorating my crown, heart, and belly with radience is a way of reminding myself of my place in the universe. I reflect the stars from which every bit of my matter was born.

I want to give a shout out to one more embodied spiritual practice – parenting. A few weeks ago I was leading a meditation for a friend. As I invited my friend to receive the Divine, and to drink in the Divine even more deeply, my daughter burst into the room and handed me this feathery valentine still sticky with glue. She gave me a super hug and my friend was delighted. My daughter’s special delivery was in fact the perfect preparation for a conversation about my friend’s work helping family caregivers.

valentineI keep the Valentine on my desk and sometimes focus on it in order to bring myself back into my heart. I’m still integrating the big invitation to remember in the midst of schedules, chores and to-dos that parenting is also a gateway deeper into life energy.

Where do you find doorways into life energy?

With love,



P.S. Want to develop an embodied spiritual practice in community? Check out Healing Waters Qigong or The Hive and the Well dance practice.

Feeling so worn out you don’t know where to start? One-on-one qigong healing support can be helpful. Contact me for a free assessment to see if this is right for you.

Are you looking for a creative and joyful way to strengthen the life and vitality of human and earth community? Check out the Living Wisdom community practice or help volunteer at upcoming events.